Students completed Phocabulary: Imperialism on the following terms in the left hand side of their notebook:
1) Imperialism 2) Protectorate 3) Yellow Journalism 4) Jingoism 5) Sphere of Influence 6) Open Door Diplomacy 7) Dollar Diplomacy You will use your textbook to look up the definitions. Your Phocabulary: Imperialism will look something like the picture on the left: Word, Definition and a Picture in Color. It was stamped for full credit. |
Students took notes on American Imperialism in the right hand side of their notebook. Afterwards, students worked on the Annexation of Hawaii Assignment. Students were not given the worksheet and instead, needed to write the questions and answer them in the left hand side of their notebook. Please follow the directions carefully. It was stamped for full credit.
Students took notes on Trouble in Cuba. Students were given fill-in notes to use for the lecture. Even though they are fill-in notes, students still need two types of interactions in order for the notes to earn full credit.
Students worked on the Spanish American War Readings/Chart. Use the readings to fill in the chart. If students do not finish today, they will have tomorrow in class to finish the assignment. It will be stamped for full credit.
Professional Development Day. No School.