Students continued to work on their Yellow Journalism Projects.
Students turned in their Yellow Journalism Projects by the end of the period.
Use the WWI Review Worksheet and the WWI PPT (slides 1-13) to fill in the review. Afterwards, students completed an in-class activity for extra credit. There is no need to make it up.
Students took notes in the right hand side of their notebook (slides 15-24, skip 20, 22-23). Afterwards, students completed the WWI Propaganda Poster. It was stamped for full credit.
Students took notes on War on the Home Front in the right hand side of their notebook. Afterwards, students worked on the Treaty of Versailles vs. 14 Points Worksheet. It should've been stamped for full credit. Students were also handed their study guide for their WWI/Imperialism test on Tuesday. It will be 20 questions, multiple choice.