The teacher went over Historical ID's for the final. After, students had the period to work on their New Deal Soup Cans. Cans are due at the BEGINNING of the period tomorrow. NO LATE SOUP CANS WILL BE ACCEPTED!
If you need to know what act you were assigned, please check last Thursday. |
Students were given the 'New Deal Programs' fill-in notes. Afterwards, students were put in small groups and exchanged information about the New Deal Programs. If you were absent, please copy ALL the information from someone else as you are being tested on several New Deal Acts for your final.
Periods 1 and 4 finals took place today. Please be sure to bring your notebooks. Grades in IC are final. Have a great Winter Break!
Periods 2 and 5 finals took place today. Please be sure to bring your notebooks. Graces in IC are final. Have a great Winter Break!
Period 6 finals took place today. Please be sure to bring your notebooks. The final will be taken with Ms. Kelly. Please follow directions carefully. Finals and the notebook will be graded in January and grades will be finalized then. Have a great Winter Break!