Students turned in their Civil War Timelines at the beginning of the period. Students were also given a number to put their cell phones in a pocket chart. This will be done at the beginning of the period and students can collect their phones at the end of the period. If a student still wishes to charge their phone by my desk, they are able to do so. Students began watching 12 Years a Slave and were handed movie questions. Students who did not get a permission slip signed will be given an alternative assignment and sent to the library.
Students continued to watch 12 Years a Slave.
Students finished watching 12 Years a Slave. Students used the rest of the class period to answer the movie questions that went along with the film. It will be stamped for full credit on Thursday.
Students took notes on the Problems of Reconstruction (slides 1-9, skip slide 8). The rest of the PowerPoint will be finished up on Friday. Afterwards, students began to work on the Problems of Reconstruction Worksheet. The worksheet will be stamped for full credit on Friday.
Students finished the notes on the Problems of Reconstruction (slides 10-21, skip slides 11 and 13. See PowerPoint on Thursday). Afterwards, students continued to work on their Problems of Reconstruction Worksheet. It was stamped for full credit.