Each student will grab a copy of the text book (the same one you have at home) and begin taking notes on their section in the right hand side of their notebook. Notes should not be more than a page, but if you feel like you need to go over a page, feel free. These notes will need to be interacted with in order to receive full credit. Afterwards, students will meet with their partner(s) and begin discussing what they learned as they will be teaching their section to the class. Students will have the rest of the period today, Tuesday and Wednesday to work on their poster using a piece of butcher paper. Presentations will begin on Thursday and will be in order as listed on the sheet. Each group will also be responsible for creating 3 multiple choice questions for their section. After their presentation, I will pick the question I think was best taught by that group. The quiz will be taken on Friday and will consist of 14 multiple choice questions (1 question per group).
Students continued working on their Gilded Age Posters. The 3 multiple choice questions must be given to me be the end of the period. I only need one set of the questions per group.
Students continued to work on their Gilded Age Posters and presentations. Students also set up their notes for the Gilded Age Presentations.
Students began presenting their Gilded Age Posters. As students were presenting, other students were taking notes. If presentations do not finish today, they will finish on Friday.
If needed, students finished their Gilded Age Posters. Students then were given time to study before taking their Gilded Age Quiz. Notebook Check 3 was turned in and the Gilded Age notes will be turned in on Monday.