Students worked on their Election Project. All information regarding the Election Project is in our Election Project Module. All speeches MUST be submitted into Canvas by 11:59 p.m. Failure to submit your speech in Canvas by the deadline will result in an automatic zero on the speech. Campaign posters and flyers are due when you walk in the door on Tuesday, October 25th. If you do not have them when you walk in the door, they are an automatic zero.
Students began presenting their Election Projects. Students went over their campaign poster, informational flyer and read their speech. It does not need to be memorized, but speeches will be timed to ensure they make the 2 minute requirement. Students do not need to take notes on the presentations, just simply pay attention and listen.
Students finished presenting their Election Projects.
Students played the Continent of Hanrahania. There was a discussion to go with the game. If you missed today, there is no need to make it up.
Students took notes on American Imperialism. Afterwards, students worked on and submitted Notebook Check 5 via Canvas.