Students continued to work on their Mock College Application folder.
Students were emailed back the Rough Draft of their College paper. For the final, students will be submitting the final draft of their college paper by Tuesday, December 15th, by the end of the period. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED!
Students continued to work on their Mock College Application Folder, their Final Draft of their College Paper or work for another class to prepare for finals.
Today will be a homework day for students to work on missing assignments, since Finals are coming up. Students will need to submit a picture via Remind of what the assignment looks like before and after. Students will be receiving a participation grade.
Students are to email me their Mock College Application Folder by the end of the period. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED! Directions for the Mock College Application Folder can be found under 'Content for the Week of 11/30-12/4' under Wednesday.