By now, anyone who emailed me their first draft of their resume should have received my feedback, via email. Please take note of the feedback and use it to create a second draft of your resume. Your second draft will need to be emailed to me by Saturday at 11:59 p.m.
Work on second draft of resume.
Since the entire point of a resume is to obtain an interview to hopefully get a job, research what jobs are available in your area (yes, even in the current climate, places are hiring). In a word document, list 5 companies that are hiring, what job they are hiring for and why you believe you would or would not qualify for the position. Each job title/description should be about a paragraph. Please email me your list by Saturday at 11:59 p.m.
Work on second draft of resume and/or potential jobs list.
Work on second draft of resume and/or potential jobs list.