Students took notes on Vietnam, Part 1. Afterwards, students worked on the Anti-Vietnam Graphic Organizer. Use the Vietnam War Packet to fill in the graphic organizer. If students finished today, it was stamped for full credit. If not, students can finish it in class tomorrow to have it stamped for full credit.
Students took notes on Vietnam, Part 2. There are fill-in notes to go with it. Even with the fill-in notes, you still need two interactions with your notes in order for them to be full credit. Afterwards, students finished the Vietnam War Graphic Organizer and had it stamped for full credit if it was not finished yesterday.
Due to the unpopularity of the Vietnam War, many protests began to erupt across the country and many artists created Anti-Vietnam War music, which have come to signify the age as well as the protests. Many of the songs you'll likely recognize and some you may not realize were anti-war songs. As a class, we'll listen to some of the music.
*When you get to Vietnam Song by Country Joe and the Fish, the first 21 seconds spells out a certain four letter word that may be an issue for some of you. If that's the case, please fast forward through the first 21 seconds. |
Since we have just listened to some anti-Vietnam war music, you will create your own anti-Vietnam war song. The song should be a minute and a half-two minutes long, lyrics MUST be typed and the song should have a title. At the bottom of your lyrics, please write the song and the artist that you used when creating your song. For your song, I recommend picking a tune you like and creating the lyrics to go with it. I do know I have some musicians in here, so some of you may want to create your own music. If that's something you want to do, I'm totally fine with that. You may work by yourself or in a group. You will have today and tomorrow in-class to work on this. On Monday, you will preform your songs in front of the class. I will not be here, but Ms. Montesinos will and she will be grading your songs.
Students continued to work on their Anti-Vietnam War songs. Notebook Check 8 is due today via Canvas.