Students began the Progressive Era DBQ Essay Exam. Students were given the prompt as well as 10 documents to analyze. Students will have the opportunity to outline their essay today. If students have time, they can start writing it, however, they will have all period tomorrow to write their essay. This exam is an in-class exam. Students must make up the essay by 10/30. Failure to do so will result in an automatic zero or you'll receive a grade for whatever it is you've turned in. If absent, you can make up your essay, after school, on the following days: October 23rd, October 25th, October 28th, October 29th and October 30th.
Students continued to work on their Progressive Era DBQ Essay exam. Yesterday, students received the prompt, outlined their essay and some may have begun writing it. Today, students will write/finish their essays. Students will not be given extra time other than the two days allotted for the essay exam. If absent yesterday, you will be given the prompt today and need to make up the exam one day after school. If absent today, you will need to finish the exam one day after school. I will be available on the following days after school: October 23rd, October 25th, October 28th, October 29th and October 30th. Failure to make up/finish the exam by October 30th will result in an automatic zero or you'll receive a grade for whatever it is you've turned in.
Please view the class announcements as they go over a few things in regards to your Election Project.
Students worked on their Election Project. All information regarding the Election Project is in our Election Project Module. All speeches MUST be submitted into Canvas by 11:59 p.m. Failure to submit your speech into Canvas by the deadline will result in an automatic zero for the speech. Campaign posters and flyers are due when you walk in the door on Thursday, October 24th. If you do not have them when you walk in the door, they are an automatic zero. |
Students turned in their Election Project flyers and posters. If students did not have them when they walked in the door, they are a zero.Students began presenting their Election Projects. Students went over their campaign poster, informational flyer and read their speech. It does not need to be memorized, but speeches will be timed to ensure they make the 2 minute requirement. Students do not need to take notes on the presentations. Just simply pay attention, listen and be respectful.
Students finished presenting their Election Projects.