November 7-9
On Wednesday, November 7th, students completed Phocabulary in the left hand side of their notebooks. Page 398, #1-15. Phocabulary should be in 3 columns: word, definition and a picture in color. Will be stamped on Thursday for full credit.
On Thursday, November 8th, took notes on American Imperialism (slides 2-11, skip slide 7). Will finish the notes on Friday, November 9th. The class then worked on the White Man's Burden worksheet. If the worksheet was not finished, can finish it on Friday for full credit.
On Friday, November 9th, completed the American Imperialism notes (slides 12-26, skip slide 25). White Man's Burden worksheet was stamped.
November 13-16
On Tuesday, November 13, began analyzing several documents as to why the United States decided to go to war with the Spanish in 1898. Use the documents to complete the Spanish-American War Chart. Will be stamped for completion on Wednesday, November 14th.
On Wednesday, November 14th, took fill in notes on Trouble in Cuba. Use PowerPoint to follow along (start from slide 8) Stamped Spanish American War Chart for completion.
On Thursday, November 15th, completed Chapter 4, section 3, #1-6 on page 315 in the left hand side of the notebook. It does not need to be stamped. Notebook Check 6 is due on Friday, November 16th.
November 26-30
On Monday, November 26, completed the 10th Grade WWI review using the WWI PowerPoint (only use slides 2-13). Also completed an in class activity. It was not for a grade and there is no need to make it up if you missed it.
On Tuesday, November 27th, took notes on America's Entrance into the Great War (slides 14-24, skip 20, 22-23. Please look at the WWI PowerPoint above for the notes. ). Then, completed the Propaganda Poster in the left hand side of the notebook.
On Wednesday, November 28th, completed the WWI Powerpoint (see above) with the War on the Home Front Fill-in notes. Students were then handed the 14 points packet. It will be due on Thursday, November 29th.
On Thursday, November 29th, students worked on their 14 points packet. It was to be turned in by the end of the period for full credit.
On Friday, November 30th, took notes on the Ending of WWI (slides 2-16) in the right hand side of the notebook. After, students were given a Treaty of Versailles v. 14 points worksheet. It must be stamped for full credit by Monday, December 3rd.
December 3-5
On Monday, December 3, students took notes on Effects of the War (from Ending WWI PowerPoint above, slides 17-23). After, students were given their Imperialism/WWI study guide for their 30 question, multiple choice test on Wednesday, December 5th.
On Tuesday, December 4th, students got the entire period to work on their Imperialism/WWI study guide. It will be collected on Wednesday, December 5th before the test.
On Wednesday, December 5th, student took their Imperialism/WWI test. If a student was absent, they have one week to make it up. They must make it up on their own time (i.e, lunch or after school).